I haven’t read anything yet. What’s going on here?

The Creative Work Community OberSchöneweide (KAOS) must vacate its current location at Wilhelminenhofstraße 92 in 2025. But we want to stay! That’s why we’re buying Wilhelminenhofstraße 93 together!

We want to buy 5,000m² of land by the Spree River, directly across from the current KAOS building that has existed for 12 years. The new property includes three buildings with a total of 3,600m² of usable space.

To achieve this, we are founding the cooperative „Kunst- und Gewerbehof KAOS eG (i.Gr.)“ with the goal of permanently removing the site from the speculative real estate market and making it available for creative small businesses and a cultural enterprise.

For this, we need your financial support in the form of subordinated loans.